Online Learning Resources for Students
Online Course Success Strategies
Be engaged in the class. Communicate with your instruction and your peers early and often. Just because you’re taking an online class and you may never see or meet you instructor and classmates does not mean you cannot interact and develop relationships – the earlier the better! -
Seek out help.
If you have questions and/or concerns, do not wait until the last minute! The sooner you seek support sooner, the greater your chance for success in the course. If you have questions about an assignment or task, do not hesitate to contact your professor. -
Plan to backup.
Things happen! Create backups of your course materials using a flash drive or a cloud-based solution like Google Drive, Dropbox, or Prepare yourself in case your computer dies, is lost, or is damaged. Also, identify a friend or a location you can gain Internet access to complete your course work. For example, most public libraries have computers with computers and free access to the web. Don’t be caught unprepared. -
Pace yourself.
In most cases, you have a flexible schedule in online courses. You will, of course, have deadlines for course activities and tests, but don’t put everything off until the last minute. Create your own schedule and stick to it. For example, set aside time everyday access your class and complete course activities. Doing so will help you manage all of your other responsibilities. -
Create a learning space.
Develop your own space at home, at a coffee shop, or in your office that will allow you to devote your full attention to your online courses. Even though online learning provides a flexible learning environment, you should set create a space that allows you to fully focus on your coursework without distraction and complication. Doing so will allow you to be more efficient and focused on your work. -
Be collegial.
Effective, thoughtful communication in online courses is vital. Be aware that your tone in discussion forums, emails, and other writing may be different than if you were speaking. Your classmates and instructors cannot see the cues that are expressed in face-to-face communication (facial expressions, tone, and hand gestures). Write clearly, succinctly, and proof-read yourself! -
Be persistent.
Dedicate yourself to learning! The online classroom is just as rigorous and demanding as face-to-face learning. Stay on your schedule, ask your professor and classmates questions, and engage in the course content. If you’re finding a course challenging, adopt new methods for approaching the content. Create outlines, concept maps, or anything that will help you organize and express your understanding of the content.