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As Anderson University Online continues to grow, it is important to continue the commitment to the Anderson’s academic integrity policy:
Students at Anderson University are expected to conduct themselves with integrity and to be honest and forthright in their academic endeavors. Just as academic honesty is vitally important to the value of a college education, academic dishonesty is a serious offense because it diminishes the quality of academic scholarship at Anderson University and defrauds society, the institution, faculty, and other students. Additionally, academic dishonesty undermines the well-being of those who may eventually depend upon one’s knowledge and integrity. Anderson University encourages the imposition of strict penalties for academic dishonesty and does so in order to protect the integrity of the grading system and to affirm the importance of honesty, integrity and accountability in the University community. The policy on Academic Dishonesty is described in the Student Handbook. The forms of academic dishonesty addressed by this policy include plagiarism, fabrication, cheating, and academic misconduct.
Failure to uphold these principles of academic integrity threatens both the reputation of Anderson and the value of the degrees awarded to its students. Every member of the University community therefore bears a responsibility for ensuring that the highest standards of academic integrity are upheld.
In upholding the standards of academic integrity, the Center for Innovation and Digital Learning uses technologies that help to maintain these high standards in order for students to obtain online course credits and maintain its accreditation. Unfortunately, violations of academic integrity do occur. Technologies like Proctorio help create an even playing field by monitoring students, by performing a full system check, identity verification, and environment monitoring throughout the entire testing session to ensure compliance with accreditation agencies and academic program requirements.